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ES BUILD  亚洲绿色建筑建材第一展
ES BUILD  The First Exhibition of Green Building Exhibition in Asia
Orientation: Providing the overall solution to green buildings; Promoting the linkage of real estate projects
The 22th Shanghai International Villa & Commercial Building Matching Facilities Expo
展览时间: 2020年7月15-17日  
Time: From July 15th to July 17th in 2020
Address: Shanghai New International Expo Center (No. 2345, Longyang Road)
展览规模:  100000平方米(E1-E7 )
Scale: 100000㎡(E1-E7)
Organizers: China Urban Development Committee of CCPIT
          Shanghai Building Materials Industry Association
          Shanghai New International Expo Center
鸣谢单位:中国工程建设标准化协会        上海市建设科技推广中心
Acknowledgement: China Association for Engineering Construction Standardization
                 Shanghai Center for Promoting Building Materials
( Villaexpo 2019三天展会共40余场演讲,累计吸引超过2000人次听讲,主题涵盖建筑设计、建筑维护结构、建筑舒适系统、绿色装饰建材等,现场反映热烈。)
The Exhibition Held during the Same Period:
Enterprise Independent Innovation Forum
(In three-day Villaexpo 2019, there were more than 40 speeches, attracting more than 2,000 attendees. The theme of the Expo covered architectural design, building maintenance, building comfort system and green decorative building materials and so on, attracting warm response. )
The Decoration Trend for High-end Villa Summit, The Chinese and Foreign Architect Summit and other summits. 
◆ 别墅项目:
◆ Villa project:
(Independent, townhouses, semi-detached, superimposed) villas, outdoor homestay for leisure, garden houses, wooden villas, light steel villas and etc.
◆ 别墅及商业建筑屋面瓦材及落水系统:
◆ Roofing tiles and drainage Systems for villa and commercial building:
◇New tiles: Asphalt shingles (color fiberglass tiles), color metal tile, clay tile, solar photovoltaic tile / photovoltaic tile, photovoltaic ceramic tile, glazed tile, PVC tile, glass steel tile, UPVC insulation tile, synthetic resin tile, wall tile, exterior wall cladding, stone, mosaic and etc;
◇BIPV technology (roofing and curtain wall)
◇New roofing gutter system: water-falling gutter system (color aluminum, PVC), clay plate (wall panels, pendants), FRP daylighting panels, etc.
◇Various new waterproofing membranes, sloping roof skylight, metal roofing and light pitched roof systems, ridge-mounting timber and products of green energy-saving roofing systems.
◆ 别墅及商业建筑地面生态道路应用材料: :
◆Materials related to the application of ecological road into villas and commercial buildings:
Color pervious concrete, water permeable brick, clay vitrified brick, split brick, water permeable stone, archaized brick, super concrete with high viscoelastic, (recycled asphalt, stain resistance and slip resistance, permeable grass decoration) pavement materials, rainwater collecting and reuse processing system, wetland ecosystem, underground smart pipe network system and etc.;
◆ 别墅及商业建筑地下空间工程技术系统:
◆Underground space engineering and technology systems of villas and commercial buildings: 
anti-seep system in villa basement, anti-seep chemical glue, waterproof mortar, cracked seams, automatic flushing toilet system and etc;
◆ 别墅及商业建筑智能家居系统:
◆Smart housing system of villas and commercial buildings: 
building automation, integrated wiring, security door, audio-visual entertainment systems, smart shade, IOT and other smart home products;
◆ 别墅门窗及高端建筑室内装饰类:
◆Windows, doors and high-end interior decoration for villas:
high-end windows and doors, sunlight room, screen window, staircase, upscale floor, (mahogany) furniture, lighting, iron arts and other metal decorative pieces, cabinets, wardrobes, smart shoe cabinet, ceramic bathroom, wallpaper wall covering, curtain fabric, fireplace, decorative paintings, luxury goods and etc;
◆Comfort system of villa and high-end building: 
private elevator, smart garage, wine cellar and refrigeration system, central air-conditioning system, central water-processing system, water-purifying equipment, centralized heating, heating and geothermal system, solar roofing, photovoltaic energy-saving, electronic mosquito-repellent system, air purifier, central sound system , central dust suction system and etc;
◆ 别墅及高端建筑设计及环境艺术:
◆Design and environmental arts for villa and high-end building:
agency for villa decoration and design, garden landscape design and construction, wooden house, sunlight room, simulating synthetic thatch, art sculpture, culture stone, permeable brick, antiseptic wood for garden, plastic wood, PVC fence, bamboo products, steel flowers and other iron-made arts; sunshade products, outdoor ovens, furniture for outdoor leisure and etc;
◆ 别墅及及高端建筑娱乐休闲健身产品:
◆Products of entertainment, leisure and fitness for villa and high-end buildings:
Indoor simulating golf , upscale pool table, yachts, bowling, high-end fitness equipment, sauna, steam room, SPA, swimming pool equipment and etc;
◆ 其它相关别墅及高端建筑配套产品。
◆Auxiliary?product for some ?villa and high-end building.
?Standard Booth: (3m×3m)=9m2
?光地(最低租用面积为36 m2,光地地毯、水、电、气及特殊装修管理费等另算,双开口展位加10%费用。)
?Bare Space(The lowest renting area is 36㎡; Extra fee for carpet, water, electricity, gas and management for special decoration; another 10% fee for corner booth)
展位类型 国际区 国内区
标准展位 国际展商 国内展商 RMB 13800
USD 2800 RMB 15800
光地/m2 USD 280 RMB 1580 RMB 1380
Type International Pavilion Domestic Pavilion
Standard Booth International Exhibitors Domestic Exhibitors RMB 12800
USD 2800 RMB 15800
Bare Space/㎡ USD 280 RMB 1580 RMB 1380
Advertising in the Show Catalogue( Show Catalogue: 140mm×210mm)
封二:RMB 12,000  封三:RMB 10,000  封 底:RMB15,000元  门 票:5000元/万张
Inside the Front Cover: RMB 12000   Inside the Back Cover: RMB 10000 
Back Cover: 15000                Ticket: 5000 RMB for 10000 tickets 
内页:RMB 6,000   礼品袋广告:18000元/5000只(尺寸295×410mm)
Inside Page: RMB 6000   Advertisement on gift bags: 18000 RMB for 5000 pieces (295×410mm)
※ 参展企业认真填写?参展申请及合约?并加盖公章传真或通过邮件形式至组委会。
Booth Application and Arrangement 
※ Exhibitors fill in and seal the Exhibition Application and Contract and then send to the Committee through fax and E-mail.
※ 参展企业申请得到组委会确认后,一周内将参展费用[50%(预付款)或全款]电汇或交至组委会,其余展位费需在展览会开幕一个月前付清。
※ After receiving the confirmation of the committee, exhibitors should pay the fee[ 50% (advance payment) or full payment ] in a week, the rest fee should be paid in a month before the opening of the show. 
地  址:上海市卢湾区普安路128号淮海大厦东楼1701室
Enquiry and Contacts
Address: Room 1701, East Huaihai Building, No 128, Puan Road, Luwan District, Shanghai. 
邮  编:201102
Postcode: 201102
电 话:86-21-6493 0922
Phone Number: 86-21-6493 0922
联系人:刘 岩 
Contact Person:Liu Yan
手  机:13524502776(兼微信)
Telephone Number:13524502776
Q    Q:1745390656

QQ: 1745390656

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