2019 Wuhan International Agricultural Aviation Plant Protection Exposition
Wuhan International Plant Protection UAV Expo 2019
2019 Wuhan International Agricultural Intelligent Equipment Exposition
Time: 26-27 December 2019
Venue: Wuhan International Expo Center
Exhibition Brief
The 13th Five-Year Plan of the State clearly proposes to accelerate the development of modern urban agriculture, promote the rapid development of modern urban agriculture through the integration of three industries, improve the level of agricultural technology and equipment and information technology, comprehensively realize the innovation and extension system of modern agricultural science and technology, accelerate agricultural mechanization, strengthen the integration of agriculture and information technology, develop smart agriculture and upgrade the level of agricultural technology and equipment. In response to national policy planning and promoting the rapid development of China's agricultural modernization, the market supply of products has increased significantly, and the products have developed in the direction of diversification, high quality and functionalization, so as to create the world's largest agricultural high-tech exhibition exchange and procurement platform. The 6th Wuhan Agricultural Aviation Plant Protection Internet of Things Exhibition will be held in Wuhan International Convention and Exhibition Center from December 26 to 27, 2019. Opening, then welcome to visit the exhibition.
1. Civil UAV; Aircraft used in artificial precipitation and forest fire extinguishing; 2. General Aviation Industrial Park, financial and investment institutions; 3. Manned agricultural aircraft, small manned aircraft; 4. Aviation remote sensing technology, measurement technology; Leasing, maintenance, driving training and other service enterprises. 5. Aircraft used in sowing, fertilizing, weeding, pest control and other operations 6. Aerial pesticide application technology and spraying equipment 7. Aerial sowing and weeding technology and equipment; Aviation special products, flight safety equipment, aviation testing equipment;
2. Agricultural Internet of Things:
Intelligent management and control technology, cloud computing mobile interconnection, precision agriculture technology, testing instruments, soilless cultivation technology, agricultural high-tech equipment, agricultural information communication services, information management, financial services, intelligent drip irrigation system controller, all-intelligent greenhouse controller, soil moisture controller, related technology and equipment.
Intelligence Management: Agricultural Resource Management, Data Application, Command and Dispatch, Supervision and Monitoring, Information Management, Science and Technology Services, Financial Services Enterprises, etc.
Intelligent production: Agricultural Internet of things, application of agricultural unmanned aerial vehicles and robots, agricultural aviation pesticide application technology and spraying equipment, agricultural aviation remote sensing technology, agricultural aviation special products, agricultural aviation flight safety equipment, all kinds of high-efficiency and energy-saving plant protection machinery, intelligent weeding robot, aerial suspension spraying and irrigation pesticide applicator, fruit and vegetable intelligent sorting equipment, fruit and vegetable picking robot and other high-tech Products, intelligent control, environmental awareness, remote monitoring, decision-making management, automatic control, precision operation, fine feeding, etc.
参观参展请联系: 李杰
For visiting the exhibition, please contact lijie
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