2019 Wuhan International Intelligent Agriculture Exhibition
2019 Wuhan International Agricultural Internet of Things Expo
Time: 26-27 December 2019
Venue: Wuhan International Expo Center
Exhibition introduction
China (Wuhan) International Intelligent Agriculture Fair 2019 has held 12 sessions so far. More than 1.8 million people from more than 30 countries, regions and 31 provinces, municipalities, autonomous regions and regions have participated in the exhibition. There are nearly 800 exhibition enterprises with more than 1700 exhibition spaces and an exhibition area of 35,000 square meters in the 2018 exhibition, which brings together well-known enterprises such as Netherfield, OTL, Toro, Hunt, Austria Purse, Bermelt, YUZUAK, Naandanjain Naandan, Spectrum, Felit, Zhongshuirunyin, Yirunka, Tongjie Water Services, Glaklin, Laiwu Water-Saving Irrigation Union and Sino-Israeli Irrigation Union. Industry exhibition publicity, the good effect of the exhibition has won the praise and favor of many exhibitors and audiences.
Agricultural Internet of Things: Agricultural System Integration, Intelligent Management and Control Technology of Agricultural Internet of Things, Precision Agricultural Technology, Intelligent Drip Irrigation System Controller, Fully Intelligent Greenhouse Controller, Soil Moisture Controller, Related Technologies and Equipment
Information Services: Information Agriculture, Cloud Computing Mobile Interconnection, Agricultural Data Application, Satellite Remote Sensing, Land Property Management, Financial Services, etc.
Greenhouse horticultural materials exhibition area: greenhouse engineering, complete greenhouse, greenhouse materials, greenhouse supporting system, greenhouse skeleton structure parts, greenhouse film, plant light supplement, thermal insulation quilt, coiled motor, ventilation system, temperature control system, urban agriculture, sightseeing agriculture; garden machinery, biological tissue culture, cultivation technology and equipment; soil additives, hole trays, nutrient bowls, seedling nutrition and horticultural resources And all kinds of accessories, auxiliary materials, etc.
Intelligent irrigation exhibition area: agricultural irrigation equipment, horticultural irrigation equipment, industrial drainage and irrigation equipment, precision irrigation, sprinkler irrigation machinery, micro-irrigation system, drip irrigation pipe (belt) and pipe fittings and other water-saving equipment, solar energy irrigation system, filters, pumps, pipe fittings, valves, sprinklers, fertilizer injection pumps, water and fertilizer integration facilities and irrigation accessories, etc.
Comprehensive exhibition area: fruit and vegetable picking robot, intelligent sowing and harvesting equipment, new farmers training, etc.
参展参观请联系: 李杰
For visiting the exhibition, please contact lijie
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